is trump really bad for america?译文简介
is trump really bad for america?
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nancy pelosi said “impeachment is forever”. but has donald trump actually been impeached?
yes, donald trump has been impeached.
i’ve traveled to many countries and lived outside the us. something i’ve noticed many times is that a lot of americans say they love their country, but they have no idea how their government works. that seems strange to me.
i’ve talked to a lot of people who think “impeached” means “removed from office.”
“impeached” means “indicted.” once a person has been impeached, that means the house thinks there is sufficient evidence of wrongdoing for a trial.
after indictment, the president is put on trial in the senate. only if he is convicted at trial will donald trump be removed.
yes, donald trump has been impeached.
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
is trump leading the u.s. towards bankruptcy?
not currently.
paul ryan, who has posed as a friend of trump ever since he finally realized that trump might win the election, knows that it is only a matter of time before trump wants to do two very interesting things:
lower corporate taxes from their current levels to 15–12%
spend one trillion dollars on infrastructure improvements.
he also knows that trump has promised not to touch medicare or social security, both increasing portions of the national debt.
once you get into money matters and not just imposing travel bans and arguing about inauguration crowd sizes, people like paul ryan become increasingly important.
the grandiosity that led to businessman trump going bankrupt several times will lead to political clashes that will only emerge once the new president and the old congress realizes that governing by executive order has limits.
保罗·瑞安(paul ryan)自从最终意识到特朗普可能赢得大选后,就一直假扮特朗普的朋友,他知道特朗普想做两件非常有趣的事情,只是时间问题:
is trump doing good for america, since he is the president?
i haven’t observed him doing anything, in particular, that i would consider to be a good thing.
however, his presence and continued attempts to push a, what i would consider flawed agenda, have galvanized people, who normally don’t work together, and has brought a previously unseen unity to the scientific community.
so i guess the general distaste for trump has resulted in some good, and will hopefully prompt a larger turnout, and level of general knowledge, in upcoming elections
how smart is donald trump?
it is quite fair to say donald trump is an actual moron.
many people he has worked with, gone to school with, or had anything to do with, have said the same. and many smart people at that.
basically… if you know that finland is not part of russia, you’re very likely to be smarter than trump, or at least a damn sight less ignorant.
indeed… he does have an uncanny preeminence about him,
but it’s certainly not rooted in intelligence. it’s more of an ignorantly misguided confidence, mixed with a totally deluded sense of grandiosity.
he has an uncanny ghoulish way of getting away with things he knows very little about, (and that’s pretty much everything). it is not so much that he backs himself to outsmart his challenges, (obviously he’s incapable of doing that)… it’s more that he considers himself to be above even having to be answerable in the first place.
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
he takes no responsibility for anything whatsoever…
and when even slightly challenged, he will attack like a spoilt little baby, and will blame anybody and everybody in sight. he does this literally by name calling, and lying through the skin of his teeth.
this tact is so outrageous, so preposterous… it’s simply astounding he gets away with it. but what’s even more ridiculous, is he actually believes this childish strategy to be something genius.
in reality all he really does is make a fool of himself and a mockery of his own “undeserved” privilege.
unfortunately and rather bizarrely it seems, at least 40% of americans were either fooled by his narcissistic bravado, or are themselves actual morons.
even those of us who were shocked from the beginning, are surprised by just how absurdly idiotic he is proving to be.
i mean come on… the man is a total doucheburger.
obtusely offensive,
arrogantly insulting,
compulsively dishonest,
vaingloriously conceited,
behaves like a petulant child on twitter,
has next to no geographical or worldly knowledge,
and doesn’t even read books.
hell… he doesn’t even read his briefs for goodness sake. what kind of president doesn’t freaking read?
president trump often struggles to focus during his intelligence briefings, and frequently ignores information he disagrees with.
you can’t correct him (let alone reason with him) because he thinks he knows more about everything than anybody else, including experts on all manner of topics.
trump always thinks he’s the smartest person in the room. what a freaking joke…
he says the most ludicrous things (as if they are supposed to mean something), despite being nothing but scatterbrained trumpery (pun intended). how he can not see how stupid
he’s a freaking comedy show! that’s what he actually is. he’s damned entertaining… but “sorry mate”, we are laughing at you, and your weird whiny querulous lies.
we don’t think you’re clever funny, we think you’re dumb-ass funny.
the comedy trump provides for us, overshadows the increasing seriousness of the real danger he incites.
the level of “crazy” that trump gets away with is disturbingly shameful…
i’d even be bold enough (and i’m not the only one i’m sure) to say,
it’s a national disgrace.
trump being president is dangerous for all of us, the whole freaking world.
so there we have it, my two cents as somebody from outside of the usa. i’m not even american, but i feel i speak for the majority of the whole world when i say;
“we can all see… the man you have standing for you, representing you, as the president of the united states of america, is in all actuality…
“an obnoxious bumbling clown”.
tragically, the don is not even a very nice fellow.
i don’t suspect he would actually admit to any of these things… although perhaps somewhere deep in his conscience, he might realize he’s a bit of a dick… but i wouldn’t like to make assumptions (oops), but seriously…
i’m actually pretty sure he doesn’t even has a conscience.
the incessant comedy of errors he orchestrates (bumbles through) is so insanely ridiculous, we simply can not help but laugh.
but it’s not that funny when your president’s default mode is literally defined by the word…“buffoonery”that’s the real issue here. it’s fair to say… despite our unhealthy infatuation with trump, we’re all actually pretty worried. i mean…
what the hell will this idiot do next?
and make no mistake, president donald trump is definitely causing harm. real harm.
just look at his attitude towards “covid19”… he has behaved irresponsibly regarding the corona virus right from the beginning, and he is (even today as i write these words), still not dealing with it as he should be, like a proper president should and would. (and i’m being kind here… i mean the truth of the matter is that he’s responsible for far too many unnecessary death’s, isn’t he?)
the situation is not good… in fact… “let’s make america great again” is never going to happen…not while trump is anywhere near the white house, and that’s for sure!
please don’t vote “donald j trump” in again, for christ’s sake, and everybody else’s sake also!
the longer trump stays in power, the closer america gets to alienating itself from the rest of the world, and turning itself into a cesspit of civil war… and that’s not even exaggerating.
the sooner that hateful orange moron is gone the better!
edit: i wrote this obviously way back when trump was not long elected, but now i read it and it seems rather awful. i can’t believe how ‘brassy” it is, and all it says is how trump is a dick and that’s all it really says. i guess the main thing about this writing is how crazy it is that he was even elected in the first place. this writing is definitely rooted in shock!
how did donald trump win the 2016 us presidential election?
if you don’t understand how trump could win before nov. 8th, i totally understand you.
if you still don’t understand how trump won now, you have a serious arrogance and ignorance problem.
i would assume you, the reader to this answer, live in a urban area in either northeast or the west coast, college educated, a typical left-wing supporter and advocator for your entire life.
that’s nice. you work in the office with hvac on 24/7/365. you go to gym after work, watching news from cnn or nbc on the treadmill. then you eat your dinner out somewhere with a friend, probably not cooking at home. sometimes you fly between nyc/boston and la/sfo for business. when you look down from the plane window and see those endless farmlands and mountains in the midwest, you are thinking “i can’t imagine living a life down there.”
when you saw trump won, you were shocked. holy shit! there’s not a single person around me who supports trump, how could he win?
that’s where the problem is. you are living in a completely different world than those trump supporters.
when you refuel your car, have you ever wondered where the gas comes from, if not imported? who drilled the oil for you?
when you charge your phone, have you ever wondered where the electricity comes from? who dug the coal to power the plant?
those are the people who support donald trump. have you ever talked to any one of them?
without you, they can still feed themselves, but without them, you will be starved to death. you don’t know how to grow crops, and you dare not to kill a chicken.
so now how could you despise them as “uneducated redneck racists”?
when they watch the news, even when watching fox news, the camera is always on the big cities far away from them. they are ignored, as if they don’t exist in this country. no one pays attention to them, and no one speaks for them, until donald trump.
they could drive a truck for $8k a month 20 years ago working 60 hours a week, but now the illegal immigrants are willing to do it at $3k. they lost their jobs.
they could work in a factory for $4k a month 20 years ago, but now the job goes to china and mexico when the workers there make $500 a month. they lost their jobs.
you can’t urge a 40-year-old man with a high school diploma having a family to raise to go to college again and learn programming or investment banking. he can’t and he can’t afford.
you also can’t say in 10 years robots are doing the job for them and they should just vanish because their minds and skills don’t follow the era.
when they are losing jobs and falling into poverty, they don’t know what to do. they stay at home and turn on the tv and see obama and hillary speaking on abc news: “the biggest problem our society now facing is climate change.”
they may voted for obama 8 years ago and hoped him to bring change to their life, but they could only sigh when they see this. so they switch to fox news and see donald trump speaking on his rally in detroit, mi: “we need to rebuild our inner cities, we need to bring jobs back.” they follow him and say: “yes! let’s make america great again!”
when they saw obama visiting nyc after hurricane sandy in 2012, but was playing golf when the devastating flood in louisiana destroyed thousands of homes this summer, they knew they were forgotten.
however, when they saw trump visiting louisiana after the flood, a state that he didn’t need to campaign at all, they knew someone actually cared for them.
if you are them, who will you vote for?
please throw away your arrogance and start to care about those people. they are americans too. they might be more american than you are, since many of your clients and customers are foreign.
they have no methods to let you hear them. all the medias don’t speak for them, all the celebrities don’t pay attention to them. all the career politicians don’t represent them. the only weapon they have are their ballots. they vote to knock you out of your utopia. that’s the power of democracy. that’s why democracy is great. it never ignores anyone.
trump has been a democrat longer than republican in his life. he has married 3 times, agrees with progressive income tax, has been pro-choice in most of his life and pro-lgbt all the time. the only hardcore conservative thing i can think of him is anti-alcohol. however, he could still defeat 16 truly conservative republican candidates and won more votes in the primaries than anyone else in the history. this has already proven that the silent majorities are much more tolerant now on social issues. they just want someone to fix the economy for them.
now it’s your chance to work with them, help them under the 4 years of trump’s presidency. stop protesting and introspect yourself. isn’t your arrogance and ignorance that brought trump to the white house?
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处