why was the f-16 introduced although the f-15 was better in every possible way?译文简介
why was the f-16 introduced although the f-15 was better in every possible way?
尽管f-15在各方面都更好,为什么还要引进f-16 ?
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one of the key advantages of the f-16 was its lower cost compared to the f-15, making it more affordable for countries with smaller defense budgets or those that did not need the capabilities of the f-15. additionally, the f-16 could be used in a wider range of missions than the f-15, making it a more versatile aircraft.
the f-16 was also designed with advanced technology, including fly-by-wire controls, which made it easier to fly and more responsive to the pilot's inputs. this technology made the f-16 a more agile aircraft than the f-15, particularly at lower altitudes and in close-in engagements.
also the f-16's single-engine design made it more fuel-efficient than the f-15, and it required less maintenance and support. this meant that the f-16 could operate from shorter runways and in more austere environments, which made it a more flexible and adaptable aircraft.
but before you go - a click on the upvote button will make both of us happy.
the f-15 is not better than the f-16 in every possible way.
the f-15 was designed to help the us air force achieve complete air superiority in any war they were likely to find themselves in. when introduced it had a very long radar range to allow it to achieve a high rate of kills beyond visual range and it was also very capable in a dogfight. the f-15 was also designed to be upgraded to keep its radar and electronic warfare capabilities relevant as technology advanced. part of the f-15 mantra when it was designed was “not one pound for air-to-ground” which meant that the plane was designed through and through for air-to-air combat not for dropping bombs. a limited air to ground capability was present in the f-15a and f-15c, though the us air force never used it in anger. the f-15e that came later was a development that built on the very well designed f-15 airfrx to make something completely new. it was and still is a fantastic aircraft.
so the f-16 was born for what was termed the “high-low mix”. the f-16 was a much cheaper aircraft designed to work alongside the f-15 and make up the numbers. like the f-15 it was designed to be an extremely agile dogfighting aircraft, and in fact it is a little better at close-in dogfights than the f-15. it also costs a lot less to maintain and it burns much less fuel. it has a less capable radar than the f-15 and in early versions of the f-16 there was no capability for radar guided missiles. this capability has been added to all in-service f-16s throughout the world.
the f-16 was also intended for use as a multi-role fighter from the beginning, able to fight enemy aircraft and strike targets on the ground. at first its capabilities were relatively limited in the air to ground role but over the years upgrades have turned it into a formidable strike aircraft. for the many air forces that could not afford a decent sized fleet of f-15 fighters the f-16 has provided them with the means to defend themselves at a price they could afford. over 4,500 f-16s have been produced and it is still in production for a reason. the f-15 is also still in production and over 1,100 have been produced.
the f-15 and f-16 are a superb team and work very well together or separately.
the f-15 provides the long range kill capability and has superior endurance. the f-16 is much cheaper to buy and to run and slightly more agile in a close-in dogfight.
because it is not “…better in every possible way”, nor was it designed to be.
the f-15 was designed to be a pure air superiority fighter. it’s mission was and is to engage enemy aircaft, preferably bvr, and keep the skies clear and our ground troops safe from airborne threats. it was not designed for an air-ground role, although the hard points and fire control system was capable of carrying and employing bombs. it is a “never used” capability.
the f-16 is a “multi-role” fighter that is designed for air-air and air-ground using precision munitions and is capable of attacking strategic targets was well as “tactical” employment such as interdiction and close air support. it is also capable of the sead role.
so, while the f-15 (at least before the f-22 came along) was designed to gain/maintain air superiority, the f-16 was designed to do everything. multi-role comes at a cost and reminds one of the old saying: “jack of all trades, master at none”. still, it is a very capable aircraft.
the f-22 raptor is the air superiority replacement for the f-15. yes, it too is capable of carrying air-ground munitions, but don’t expect to see it deployed in that role. the f-35 lightning ii is the multi-role replacement for the f-16.
the f-15e strike eagle shares an airfrx with the f-15 a/c models, but it is designed as a ground attack aircraft for strategic and interdiction targets. yes, it it capable of air-air engagement, but that is not what it is desiged for.
f-15e攻击鹰与f-15 a/c型号共用一个机身,但它被设计为战略和拦截目标的地面攻击机。是的,它能够参与空对空交战,但这并不是它的主要设计目标。
the introduction of the f-16 fighting falcon, also known as the "viper," in 1978 was a pivotal moment in military aviation. while the f-15 eagle was already established as a highly capable air superiority fighter, the decision to develop and field the f-16 was not based solely on its performance compared to the f-15.
as an aeronautical enthusiast, it's essential to understand the factors that led to the development and introduction of the f-16.
firstly, the f-15 was primarily designed as an air superiority fighter, intended to engage other aircraft in air-to-air combat. it was a large, heavy, and expensive aircraft, making it challenging to operate and maintain, especially for smaller air forces. the f-16, on the other hand, was a smaller and more versatile aircraft, capable of performing multiple roles, including air-to-air and air-to-ground missions. this made it a more attractive option for countries that could not afford or justify the expense of operating f-15s.
in fact, the f-16 was developed in response to a specific requirement by the u.s. air force for a lightweight, cost-effective, and maneuverable fighter that could engage in dogfighting, ground attack, and air superiority missions. the f-16 was specifically designed to be cheaper to produce and maintain than the f-15, making it a more attractive option for countries with limited budgets.
another crucial factor was the technological advancements that made the f-16 possible. the f-16 was the first aircraft to incorporate fly-by-wire technology, which replaced traditional mechanical flight controls with electronic ones. this allowed for more precise control and reduced the pilot's workload, making it easier to fly and more effective in combat.
moreover, the f-16's smaller size made it more maneuverable and harder to detect by radar than the larger f-15. this was an essential advantage in air-to-air combat, where the ability to maneuver quickly and evade enemy radar was crucial.
实际上,f-16的研发是为了满足美国空军对一种轻型、经济实惠、机动性好的战斗机的特定需求,该战斗机能够进行狗斗、地面攻击和制空任务。 f-16的设计目标是比f-15更便宜的生产和维护成本,使其成为对预算有限的国家而言更具吸引力的选择。
另一个关键因素是技术进步选择f-16成为可能。 f-16是第一架采用电传操纵技术的飞机,它取代了传统的机械飞行控制系统,采用了电子飞行控制系统。这使得飞机的控制更加精确,减轻了飞行员的工作量,使其更容易驾驶和进行更有效的战斗。
the introduction of the f-16 fighting falcon alongside the f-15 eagle was driven by different design philosophies and requirements, rather than one aircraft being inherently "better" than the other in every possible way. while the f-15 and f-16 are both highly capable fighter aircraft, they were developed to fulfill distinct roles and complement each other in the united states air force's inventory.
the f-15 eagle was primarily designed as an air superiority fighter, optimized for engagements against other aircraft. it excelled in terms of speed, acceleration, altitude performance, and the ability to carry a larger payload of air-to-air missiles. the f-15's larger size and twin-engine configuration provided superior thrust and range, making it well-suited for long-range intercepts and maintaining air dominance.
on the other hand, the f-16 fighting falcon was developed as a lightweight, multirole fighter that could perform a variety of missions effectively. it was designed with the concept of high agility and maneuverability in mind, making it suitable for both air-to-air combat and air-to-ground missions. the f-16's smaller size, single-engine configuration, and lighter weight allowed for greater maneuverability and lower costs of operation and maintenance.
the f-16 was intended to serve as a complement to the f-15, focusing on missions such as close air support, interdiction, and suppression of enemy air defenses. its agility and versatility made it valuable for operations in a wide range of scenarios, including air-to-air combat, ground attack, and reconnaissance. the f-16's lower acquisition and operational costs also made it more affordable and accessible for many countries, enabling widespread adoption by various air forces around the world.
in summary, the f-16 was introduced alongside the f-15 because it offered unique capabilities and fulfilled different operational requirements, rather than being considered inferior in every aspect. the two aircraft were designed to work together, with the f-15 providing air superiority and long-range interception capabilities, while the f-16 offered versatility and cost-effectiveness in various mission roles.
the f-16 was developed as a high low force mix. the f-15 was a expensive aircraft to purchase and maintain. the f-16 was introduced as a low cost low cost to maintain aircraft to compliment the f-15 with a high cost and low cost aircraft mix. this gave them the ability to have a large number of aircraft at a much lower cost than if they just build f-15′s.
the f-16 fighting falcon is a compact, multi-role fighter aircraft. it is highly maneuverable and has proven itself in air-to-air combat and air-to-surface attack. it provides a relatively low-cost, high-performance weapon system for the united states and allied nations.
in an air combat role, the f-16's maneuverability and combat radius (distance it can fly to enter air combat, stay, fight and return) exceed that of all potential threat fighter aircraft. it can locate targets in all weather conditions and detect low flying aircraft in radar ground clutter. in an air-to-surface role, the f-16 can fly more than 500 miles (860 kilometers), deliver its weapons with superior accuracy, defend itself against enemy aircraft, and return to its starting point. an all-weather capability allows it to accurately deliver ordnance during non-visual bombing conditions.
f-16 is cheaper, more versatile and more suitable for multi-role missions, including air to ground missions.
f-15 and f-16 are not rivals, but they complement each other. f-15 is the result of fighter mafia thinking, f-16 is the result of john boyd and his ideas. both are excellent in the tasks they are intended.
f-15和f-16不是对手,但它们是相辅相成的。f-15是“战斗机黑手党”思想的结果,f-16是约翰·博伊德(john boyd)及其思想的结果。它们在预定任务上都表现出色。(注:战斗机黑手党是美国的一个非政府组织。战斗机黑手党是美国空军军官和文职防务分析家组成)
the f-16 and f-15 are two legendary fighter jets that have served the united states air force (usaf) for decades. both aircraft have their strengths and weaknesses, and they were designed for different roles. while the f-15 was designed to engage in air-to-air combat and destroy enemy aircraft, the f-16 was designed to be a multi-role fighter that could engage in air-to-air and air-to-ground combat.
the f-16 was introduced in 1978 as a replacement for the f-4 phantom, and it quickly became known for its superior maneuverability and agility. in fact, the f-16 was so maneuverable that it was dubbed the "viper" by its pilots. the f-16 was also less expensive to produce and maintain than the f-15, making it an attractive choice for many nations around the world.
while the f-15 was indeed superior in some ways, such as range and payload capacity, the usaf recognized that the f-16's unique capabilities made it an important addition to its fleet. the f-16 was extremely effective in dogfights and could operate in a wide range of conditions, making it ideal for air-to-ground combat as well. it also had a shorter takeoff distance and could operate from smaller and less developed airfields than the f-15, making it useful in combat situations where runway space was limited.
in short, the f-16 was introduced because it filled a gap in the usaf's fleet of fighter jets, offering unique capabilities that complemented those of the f-15. while the f-15 was indeed a better aircraft in certain situations, the f-16's versatility and affordability made it an important addition to the usaf's arsenal.
why is the f-18 not as successful as the f-16 and f-15 in foreign sales?
first the f-16: it is the cheapest of the three, both to purchase and operate (1 engine). it is also a highly capable air-air platform. the usaf ordered so many of them that it made other buyers confident over the longevity of the platform. it can also carry out some air-ground missions, so it seemed like a solid choice even as the sole plane of an air force.
the f-15: it was the best fighter money could buy. it has fewer operators than the legacy hornet, but the few countries that bought the f-15 did so in large amounts. israel, japan, saudi arabia, qatar, singapore and south korea all needed the best fighter money could buy, and they paid for it.
finally to the f-18: it costs more than the f-16 (to buy and operate), but not only is it a good fighter, it also has very good ground attack abilities. it has gotten a fair amount of sales; canada, australia, finland, kuwait, malaysia, spain and switzerland all rely on the f/a-18 as their primary fighter. the hornet is appealing because it allows for a larger variety of missions to be carried out.
the runways of airbases are easy targets, but no problem:
finnish f/a-18c landing on a widened 2-lane road with arresting cable. can you do this with an f-16?
edit: i stand corrected in the fact that the f-16 (and most other fighters) do indeed have a tail hook, but it is structurally weaker than the tail hook of the f-18 that is 100% carrier capable. the usaf tail hooks are intended to stop an aircraft that has encountered brake failure. in these situations the arrestor system stops the fighter at the end of the runway, at low speed. the f-18 can do an arrestor landing from full landing speed, greatly reducing the runway length required.
thanks for the upvotes! i am by no means an expert. i thought i could bring a “neutral” viewpoint into the conversation, a viewpoint that contains less politics and more obxtive points.
why did the f/a-18 hornet do so little compared to the f-14, f-15, and f-16?
while the f/a-18 hornet has been criticized for its limited range and payload capacity compared to other fighter jets such as the f-14, f-15, and f-16, its versatility and reliability have made it a popular choice for many countries' militaries. the hornet's original design concept prioritized versatility over specialization, and its smaller size and engine power have also contributed to its limitations. however, newer versions of the hornet have addressed some of these limitations and added new capabilities.
the f/a-18 hornet has proven to be a reliable and versatile aircraft that has served in many different roles and conflicts around the world. in recent years, newer versions of the hornet, such as the super hornet and the growler, have addressed some of the aircraft's earlier limitations and added new capabilities, such as improved range and electronic warfare capabilities.
f/ a -18“大黄蜂”已被证明是一种可靠的多用途飞机,在世界各地的许多不同角色和冲突中服役。近年来,新版本的大黄蜂,如“超级大黄蜂”和“咆哮者”,解决了该飞机早期的一些局限性,并增加了新的能力,如提高了航程和电子战能力。